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Choosing a school

The journey to starting a postsecondary softball career begins with deciding what type of school you would like to attend. Do you want to be close to home, or far away – possibly in another city, province, or country? There are dozens of colleges and universities with softball programs in Canada, and hundreds in the United States.

First, you should look at your educational goals. What type of program are you interested in, and what kind of job do you hope to get? Would you be more comfortable studying for a Bachelor’s degree in a subject such as history, biology, psychology, or English, or getting a college certificate or diploma in something like graphic design or business technology? There are hundreds of programs to choose from, and you should be able to find one that suits your interests.

Once you have decided what type of program you would like to go into, figure out what schools offer those programs. Do you want to go to a bigger school that may have more resources, or a smaller school that may have a friendlier environment? Look at their locations and facilities – is there a school in your city or area, or would you have to move a few hours away? Would you have to move to a different province? Consider how comfortable you would be living away from home, and how much travel you want to be doing during the school year.

Next, look at the softball program at these schools. Does the school offer a softball team at a varsity level? What division or conference do they play in? What accolades has the coaching staff received? What sorts of things has the program accomplished?

Finally, look at the financial situation at these schools. How much is tuition, and room and board if you’re living away from home? Would you be able to qualify for an academic or athletic scholarship?

Narrowing down schools to a short list can really help when it comes to both applying for admission and contacting softball coaches. Once you have a list of schools, you can begin looking more in-depth at the softball programs and contacting coaches.

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FUN FACT: Softball Canada offers U12, U14 and U16 Softball Coaches Guides based on our LTAD model. Contact Softball Canada or your Provincial/Territorial Association to get yours today!